Dear Neighbors, Friends, and Visitors,
Please allow us to welcome you to the online home of Christ Reformed DC.
We are a congregation of believers and their children united not by cultural practices, consumer preferences, or political parties, but by one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. We are passionate about the gospel, take worship seriously, and seek to live our lives to the glory of God alone. We welcome all Bible-believing Christians to join us, but we are also intentional members of the Reformed branch of Protestant Christianity and celebrate our Reformed confessional heritage.
Sunday, or the Lord’s Day, is the center of our church’s life. Each Sunday, we enter into a dialogue with our Creator and Redeemer. We hear God’s Law and confess our sins, receiving God’s forgiveness. We hear Christ proclaimed in the Gospel from all the Scriptures and respond with our prayers and praises. Our worship is biblical, Christ-centered, reverent, historical, liturgical, and sacramental.
We believe that the Gospel we encounter in public worship transforms us. While our fellowship is grounded in public worship, it radiates out into a communal life lived seven days a week. Each week we seek to gather in homes and restaurants throughout the Washington area, growing together as a body, supporting one another, and wrestling with how to be faithful witnesses to Christ in the world in which we live.
We believe the church is a unique place in the world. Only in the church can you consistently hear the gospel and be assured that your sins are forgiven. Only in the church can you receive the comfort, rest, and assurance that weary pilgrims need. Only in the church can you experience true unity and community with fellow sinners sheltering in the redeeming work of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You are invited to join us for worship and we welcome all visitors. We also enjoy meeting one-on-one with those who want to learn more about Christ and our church. Feel free to contact us at council@ChristReformedDC.org.
Until then, look around our website and learn about our church, listen to some sermons, and see how we meet Christ in the Bible.
We hope to see you soon.