Christ has instituted three offices in the church: minister of the Word, elder, and deacon. These three special offices comprise the leadership of Christ Reformed DC and serve the flock.
The duties belonging to the office of minister of the Word consist of continuing in prayer and in the ministry of the Word, administering the sacraments, catechizing the youth, and assisting the elders in the shepherding and discipline of the congregation.
Our minister is Rev. Dr. Brian Lee, who founded the church in 2007, and has been its lead pastor since. He and his wife, Sarah, live in Alexandria, VA with their daughter.
The duties belonging to the office of minister of the Word consist of continuing in prayer and in the ministry of the Word, administering the sacraments, catechizing the youth, and assisting the elders in the shepherding and discipline of the congregation.
Our elder is Rob Schmor, an officer in the US Army. He and his wife, Lena, live in Cheverly, MD with their six children. With a small consistory, Rob and Brian serve Christ Reformed Church under the supervision and guidance of the consistory of West Sayville Reformed Bible Church of West Sayville, New York.
The duties belonging to the office of deacon consist of continuing in prayer and supervising the works of Christian mercy among the congregation; acquainting themselves with congregational needs; exhorting members of the congregation to show mercy; gathering and managing the offerings of God's people in Christ's name, and distributing these offerings according to need; and encouraging and comforting with the Word of God those who receive the gifts of Christ's mercy.
While you are encouraged to reach out to any individual officer with any need or concern by clicking on their picture above, you are also welcome to reach out to the Consistory, Council, or Diaconate Additionally, you may reach out to whichever church officer is currently serving as clerk or treasurer.
Consistory (elders + pastor)
For all inquiries related to pastoral care of you or a member,
please contact our Consistory at:
Council (elders + pastors + deacons)
For all inquiries related to the general governance of the church,
please contact our Council at:
For all inquiries related to the physical needs of the church,
please contact the Diaconate at:
For all inquiries related to the tax documents, receipts, or other
financial matters, please contact our Treasurer at:
Stated Clerk
For all inquiries related to baptisms, marriages, minutes of Council meetings,
or other church records, please contact the Stated Clerk at: