Come as you are. Our worship is formative and centered around Christ in all the Scriptures. We love to sing carefully chosen, biblically faithful, simple, and traditional psalms and hymns from the Trinity Psalter-Hymnal. See also Why We Do What We Do? a step-by-step explanation of our liturgy.
Our worship service is:
We approach God as he commands and with a recognition of his surpassing glory and power as our creator and redeemer.
Our worship is regulated by what Scripture commands. Our worship is full of Scripture — we read it, preach it, sing it, pray it, and, in the sacraments, we see it. Our worship also gives voice to the distinctive messages of Scripture in Law and Gospel.
Christ is the king of the Church who saved her through his life, death, resurrection, and ascension. It is this Christ that our service proclaims, especially in our preaching and the sacraments.
Our worship has a logic — a biblical pattern — that is followed week-in and week-out. This repetition is formative and sanctifying, changing our hearts and minds. We encourage first-time visitors to check out our explanation of our liturgy: Why We Do What We Do?
We worship together as a congregation that incorporates the ecumenical creeds and reformed confessions into the life of the Church and the believer. Our liturgical forms and prayers have their roots in the patristic, medieval, and reformation churches.
We regularly and eagerly administer the two sacraments that Christ instituted, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. They are not an addendum to our worship but a feature. Typically, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper each week. Those wishing to partake in the Lord’s Supper are encouraged to read our Invitation to the Lord’s Supper.
Catechism Service // 9:30 AM
At 9:30 AM, we celebrate our catechism service. A distinct practice of the continental Reformed tradition, within this service the comfort of Scripture is expressed in the Heidelberg Catechism as it is preached and applied to God’s people. This practice brings a distinct insight of the Reformed tradition to the Christian’s life. Usually, the lesson is through the same Lord’s Day as the catechism service.
Communion Service // 10:30 AM
At 10:30 AM, we celebrate our communion service of word and sacrament. The minister of God calls us to worship, we praise God in psalms and hymns, hear God’s law, confess our sins together, receive absolution, recite the creed together with the Church throughout the world and ages, hear the Word preached, and commune in the Lord’s Supper. Finally, we are blessed and sent.