Christianity is Neither Conservative Nor Socialist

In 2011 I was asked to write an article for @DailyCaller addressing the question, “Is Christianity Conservative or Socialist?” It was a part of a series of articles, with different authors writing on each viewpoint.

I wrote that “Christianity is Neither Conservative Nor Socialist”:

Both the Christian Right and the Christian Left get the question of Christianity and politics wrong.

Christianity is not politically conservative or politically liberal — though Christians may be either. Christianity is not political at all. It is in a sense politically agnostic. But in another sense it calls into question the basis of every earthly power, including politics.

Those looking to dig into the Bible and find a political platform are going to be sorely disappointed. It’s not there. That is for the simple reason that it is not a book about politics, but about God, and how He is saving His people through Jesus Christ. This distinguishes Christianity from Old Testament Judaism and modern day Islam, both of which contain detailed political agendas. Well-meaning Christians that want to outline a detailed “Christian” agenda of their own, however, will simply not find one.

You can read the full article at Daily Caller, “Christianity is Neither Conservative Nor Socialist.”


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